How to Linkbait Your Blog to Success
We’ve heard the concept of link bait. This is where you produce a piece of viral content that gets wildly shared, and results in many links to your content. In theory that sounds great, one wonders where to even begin. When you...
Fake Followers on Social Media Accounts, Do They Help or Hurt?
To make themselves look more important and for other various reasons, people like to get fake followers. Does this help you or hurt you? There are a number of scenarios where having some fake followers may help, others where fake followers...
Indisputable Proof That Nofollow Links Help You Rank Better
Many webmasters consider it a waste of time to try getting nofollow links. Nofollow links pass something, perhaps not pagerank but they do convey the power to rank your website. There are certainly many doubters, so let me jump straight...
Email vs Social Media, Which Should You Focus On More?
When it comes to keeping in touch with followers, should you focus more on social media, or email? The answer, of course is both. Let’s assume for a moment that you need to prioritize one, or the other, to do first, which should...
Guest Blog Posting – Whitehat Bread and Butter Links
Perhaps you’re accustomed to using software to auto-generate backlinks, or typically purchase link packages from blackhat forums or fiverr. You’ve probably noticed that, in recent years, you’re not getting as big...
How to Increase Profits from Adsense
You’re getting pennies per click. You’re looking for a way to get those pennies into the dollar range. What can you do? There are a number of things you can do to help increase the amount of profit you get from working...
Social Checklist – What to Do When Starting a Money Site
Whenever you start a new money site, you want to assign a pen name and establish an identity who is the author of that site. It is even a good idea to do this for each and every blog you create for promoting your money site. The idea...
Google +1’s, The One “Favoriting” Metric to Rule Them All
The big three “I really think this page is awesome” type of metrics are Facebook’s “like”, Twitter’s “favorite”, and Google’s “+1”. There is strong evidence that Facebook...
How Linkedin Can Boost Your Site’s SEO
Can having a Linkedin profile help your website to rank better in Google’s SERPs? Yes! Both directly, and indirectly, I’m going to show you how a Linkedin profile can help boost your website’s SEO.
Do Facebook Social Signals Influence SEO?
This subject has an unnecessary amount of controversy. I believe the answer is black and white, but others are trying to paint all social signals as worthless because of a 2014 Matt Cutts video that said a few were worthless. There...