Building Sites with Abandoned Content
I’m going to describe a powerful method to get content. This probably isn’t the first time using this method has been discussed, however, I believe I have some twists that make the method far more powerful. Right here,...
5 Methods to Quickly Increase Rankings Without Getting Links
We all know that building links is the go-to method of improving rankings for a vast majority of the SEO community. However, as time goes by, we find that Google consistently penalizes link building methods, where someone endeavors...
Does Building a Website on an Aged Domain Help Your Rankings?
You often hear that building websites on aged domains results in better rankings in Google. I believe this is the case, however — it’s the aged part that confuses many webmaster. When does a website’s age start? Is...
Do Social Signals Help Rank Your Website?
I’m going to give my opinion upfront. I believe that social signals help your website to rank, both directly and indirectly. There are many indirect ways that doing well in social media will help you achieve higher rankings...
How to Use the Twitter API
Can you type in your Twitter id, and copy/paste 4 things? If so, you too can use the Twitter API. It sounds daunting, like it’s some complex thing that would be nearly impossible to master — but in reality it’s...
Building a List of People to Follow on Twitter
Our first step is going to be building a very targeted list to follow on Twitter. The “targeted” part is very important. You can convert a targeted list, but if you’re just following anyone, it will be difficult if...
How to Make Money with Twitter
It’s really hard to make money doing something new if you have no experience with it. If a friend invites you over, and shows you his operation, and you see with your own eyes that it is profitable, that builds confidence. There’s...
Using Blackhat with Twitter to get Whitehat Links for SEO
Whitehat SEO, when it comes to something like outreach, in the past was never my forte. I always saw it as begging competitors for links. When you hear about something like broken link building, or in essence — contacting a...
How to Build Link Pyramids
The concept of a link pyramid is that you’ll have some blogs that directly link to your site. These are known as your “Tier-1”. Then, you’ll have more blogs that link to those blogs. Those are known as your...
How to Build Links with Web2.0 Free Blogs
There are a number of best practices to follow when linking from web2.0 blogs. When outlinking, the goal is to funnel the “link juice”, pagerank and other ranking signals to your money site in the most optimal way. At the...